
This page contains a list of the labs organized by the DSE Faculty in each academic year.

Labs usually consist in 20 hours of practical activities.

A minimum attendance of 75% is required to be assigned 3 ECTS.

Credits earned from labs will count as elective credits (a total of 12 elective credits are required to all DSE students).


DSE secretariat
Prof. Giancarlo Manzi

Laboratories offered in 2022/2023
Name Term ECTS Partner company

Nutritional Epidemiology: methods and practice

1 3 within the University

Official Statistics: organization and data of ItalianNational Institute of Statistics - ISTAT


Cloud and Distributed Environments for Analytics in a Luxury Brand

2 3 Prada Group

Data Scientist for Business Communication

2 3 Assolombarda

Reinforcement Learning

2 3 within the University

Retrieving Skills from STEM Job Descriptions and Matching with CVs

2 3 Open Search Group

Modelling, Clustering and Forecasting Post Trade data (Borsa Italiana)

2 3 Borsa Italiana

Data Valorization for Fintech

3 3

AcomeA SGR S.p.A.


Data Solutions for marketing

3 3

Intarget Group

Hackathon: Deploy Machine Learning Models on Google Cloud Platform

3 3 Emanuele Guidotti

Text data for trading

3 3 Ammagamma

Personalized Health Care

3 3 within the University

Data Analytics & Digital Transformation

3 3 Deloitte


Previous academic years
Laboratories offered in 2021 - 2022
Name Term ECTS Partner company

Data Valorization for Fintech
(deadline November 22nd, 2021)

1 3 AcomeA

Advanced Analytics in the
Omnichannel Marketing

2 3 Intarget Group

Modelling, Clustering and Forecasting
Post Trade data

2 3 Borsa Italiana

Nutritional Epidemiology:
methods and practice

2 3 within the University

Time Series Forecasting:
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
with R and Python

2 3 Blogmeter

Official Statistics: organisation and data
of the
Italian National Institute of Statistics
- this lab will be held in Italian -


Cloud and Distributed Environments
for Analytics in a Luxury Brand


Analytics for Revenue Growth

2 3

Accenture Applied

Java programming, big data and Hadoop

2 3

within the University

Hackathon: Data Acquisition,
Management and Visualization

3 3 within the University

Text data for Trading:
NLP techniques for financial news

3 3 Ammagamma

Personalized Health Care

3 3 within the University

Drive Digital Transformation
with Data Analytics

3 3 Deloitte

Computational Methods
in Macroeconomics

3 3

within the University

Rating Score for Credimi

3 3 Credimi


Laboratories offered in 2020 - 2021
Name Term ECTS Partner company
Big Data Monetization for Retail
(deadline September 24th, 2020)
1 3 Oney Data
Data Valorization for Fintech
(deadline September 24th, 2020)
1 3 AcomeA
Modelling, Clustering and Forecasting
Post Trade data

(deadline January 10th, 2021)
2 3 Borsa Italiana

Social Media Observatory
(deadline January 31st, 2021)

2 3 Sky Italia

Nutritional Epidemiology:
methods and practice 
(deadline January 31st, 2021)

2 3 within the University
Hackathon: Data Acquisition,
Management and Visualization
(deadline January 31st, 2021)
3 3 within the University
Text data for Trading:
NLP techniques for financial news
(deadline March 3rd, 2021)
3 3 Ammagamma
Personalized Health Care
(deadline March 3rd, 2021)
3 3 within the University
Drive Digital Transformation
with Data Analytics

(deadline March 1st, 2021)
3 3 Deloitte